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1   //
2   // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v@@BUILD_VERSION@@ 
3   // 	See <a href=""></a> 
4   // 	Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
5   // 	Generated on: 2005.06.30 um 05:21:08 CEST 
6   //
8   package de.nierbeck.timeTrack.model.impl.runtime;
10  import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEvent;
11  import javax.xml.bind.helpers.ValidationEventImpl;
12  import javax.xml.bind.helpers.ValidationEventLocatorImpl;
14  import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
15  import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
16  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
18  /***
19   * Redirects events to another SAX ContentHandler.
20   * 
21   * <p>
22   * Note that the SAXException returned by the ContentHandler is unreported. So
23   * we have to catch them and report it, then rethrow it if necessary.
24   * 
25   * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
26   */
27  public class UnmarshallingEventHandlerAdaptor implements
28  		UnmarshallingEventHandler {
30  	protected final UnmarshallingContext context;
32  	/*** This handler will receive SAX events. */
33  	protected final ContentHandler handler;
35  	public UnmarshallingEventHandlerAdaptor(UnmarshallingContext _ctxt,
36  			ContentHandler _handler) throws SAXException {
37  		this.context = _ctxt;
38  		this.handler = _handler;
40  		// emulate the start of documents
41  		try {
42  			handler.setDocumentLocator(context.getLocator());
43  			handler.startDocument();
44  			declarePrefixes(context.getAllDeclaredPrefixes());
45  		} catch (SAXException e) {
46  			error(e);
47  		}
48  	}
50  	public Object owner() {
51  		return null;
52  	}
54  	// nest level of elements.
55  	private int depth = 0;
57  	public void enterAttribute(String uri, String local, String qname)
58  			throws SAXException {
59  	}
61  	public void enterElement(String uri, String local, String qname,
62  			Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
63  		depth++;
64  		context.pushAttributes(atts, true);
65  		try {
66  			declarePrefixes(context.getNewlyDeclaredPrefixes());
67  			handler.startElement(uri, local, qname, atts);
68  		} catch (SAXException e) {
69  			error(e);
70  		}
71  	}
73  	public void leaveAttribute(String uri, String local, String qname)
74  			throws SAXException {
75  	}
77  	public void leaveElement(String uri, String local, String qname)
78  			throws SAXException {
79  		try {
80  			handler.endElement(uri, local, qname);
81  			undeclarePrefixes(context.getNewlyDeclaredPrefixes());
82  		} catch (SAXException e) {
83  			error(e);
84  		}
85  		context.popAttributes();
87  		depth--;
88  		if (depth == 0) {
89  			// emulate the end of the document
90  			try {
91  				undeclarePrefixes(context.getAllDeclaredPrefixes());
92  				handler.endDocument();
93  			} catch (SAXException e) {
94  				error(e);
95  			}
96  			context.popContentHandler();
97  		}
98  	}
100 	private void declarePrefixes(String[] prefixes) throws SAXException {
101 		for (int i = prefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
102 			handler.startPrefixMapping(prefixes[i], context
103 					.getNamespaceURI(prefixes[i]));
104 	}
106 	private void undeclarePrefixes(String[] prefixes) throws SAXException {
107 		for (int i = prefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
108 			handler.endPrefixMapping(prefixes[i]);
109 	}
111 	public void text(String s) throws SAXException {
112 		try {
113 			handler.characters(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());
114 		} catch (SAXException e) {
115 			error(e);
116 		}
117 	}
119 	private void error(SAXException e) throws SAXException {
120 		context.handleEvent(new ValidationEventImpl(ValidationEvent.ERROR, e
121 				.getMessage(), new ValidationEventLocatorImpl(context
122 				.getLocator()), e), false);
123 	}
125 	public void leaveChild(int nextState) throws SAXException {
126 	}
127 }